Project details


When I was in the UK, I went to the Iran Air London Office to get assistance in booking a flight. The office was located in a handy part of the city, making it easy to find. The staff was really kind and professional to me the entire time I was there. I had to change my itinerary due to some issues with my reservation, so I was a little nervous. However, the office workers gave my request a timely and considerate response.
They answered all of my questions with grace on baggage allowances, flight adjustments, and fees. I was grateful that they went above and above to make sure I understood the process and what I needed to do next. Overall, during my stay at the Iran The experience at Air London Office was flawless, and I departed with the assurance that all of my travel plans were taken care of. This office is well worth a visit if you're in London and need Iran Air assistance in person.

Client info

Iran Air London Office
The client's account will appear to you if he contacts you

Required skills

Web Accessibility

Beware of scams

If you are being asked to pay a security deposit, or if you are being asked to chat on Telegram, WhatsApp, or another messaging platform, it is likely a scam. Report these projects or contact Support for assistance.

Project summary

$100.00 – $200.00
Budget type
Fixed price
Avg bid
Posted date
1 month ago